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When I was but a young boy, I remember watching movies about the old west in which people consistently wound up making poor decisions that left them stranded in snow storms in the mountains. You know the kind. Wagon train starts out in beautiful weather in Boston and when they get to the imaginary Fort Trouble somewhere in Wyoming, the seasoned wagon master, against the better judgment of the people who live in Fort Trouble, decides “Yes, I believe we can make it across the entire 300 mile wide, and 6000 foot summits of the Rocky Mountains in the three days we have left ”before winter sets in".
Remember also how wrong he is and inevitably a blizzard “catches them by surprise” and they end up getting snowed-in until the “spring thaw”? You also remember how all their food gets eaten by bears or lost when crossing the raging river - the same river that also sweeps away all the cattle they brought along with them? Oh yeah, and then they end up having to eat their horses and then their shoes before spring thaw sets in?
I always used to wonder what horse tasted like. Well guess what? It tastes great! By the way, the tube-like pieces stewing in the wok in the second picture below are horse “entrails”, not bones. They're chewy and sort of flavor free. The white ball in the bowl in the top picture is a boiled sausage-like pork dish.

NOVEMBER p.2, p.3, p.4, p.5, p.6, p.7