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Nov 18, 2009 Minutes

Members present: Senators Feakes, Wilson, Brown, Furney, Stone, D. Hazlewood (for Morey), Shah, Conroy, C. Hazlewood, Caldwell, Melzer, Bond, Martin.

Guests: Collins (University Star), Korpik (University Star), Sigler, Churchman (SunGard).

Meeting called to order at 4:00.

1. The Chair requested donations to support Senate expenses.
2. As of Spring 2010, there will be two "reading days" at the end of each semester.
3. A new Texas State webpage will be online beginning in January 2010.

REP Committee Report: Skerpan-Wheeler and Blanda reported on the recommendations from the REP Committee, as well as distributing the ratings from the various CRECs. In most colleges there were no significant differences between the amount of funds available and the amount of funds requested in approved proposals. However, in two colleges challenges arose that the Senate will discuss at the next meeting, during which the Senate will also vote on the Committee's recommendations.

Student Information System: Joe Williams (Technology Resources) visited the Senate to explain the upcoming changes to the Student Information System. The new process has been in development since early 2006, involving stakeholders from across the university. Full implementation of the new system is planned for September 2011. Information on the new SIS can be found at Senators expressed the hope that the new system will be easy to use, and that it will offer systems that are integrated so that one does not need different access codes or different protocols to use the various products. Additionally, the Senators asked that the new SIS offer easy methods for tracking stacked class enrollments, and for capturing / disseminating admissions information to interested faculty and staff.


Transportation and Parking Committee Report: The Chair reported on the November 13 T&P Committee retreat, at which were addressed a number of the faculty suggestions for alleviating parking problems on campus. However, the Chair noted that most of the Senate's suggestions, requested by the Provost, were dismissed as unneeded. The Senate will invite Dr. Joann Smith to an upcoming Senate meeting to discuss its concerns about the Committee's lack of receptiveness to ideas from faculty, students and staff.

Development of PAAG Agenda: Among the items suggested for the upcoming PAAG meeting were
1. Discussion of the appropriateness of using merit money for equity raises, as well as an examination of ongoing concerns about salary compression.
2. An update on Texas State PhD proposals now under development, and current attitudes toward PhD proposals at the Coordinating Board.
3. Questions about the use of discretionary funds.
4. Asking the President about her recent meeting with the Board of Regents.

New Business:
1. The Chair is working to obtain salary data on program faculty.

Minutes of 11/13/09 were approved.
