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Meeting Room Reservations

On April 2, 2008, the Faculty Senate meeting room (JCK 880) was dedicated to the memory of long-time Faculty Senator Henrietta Avent.

photo of Henrietta Avent

During her many years of teaching and service at SWT (1958-1993) Dr. Henrietta Avent was dedicated to the empowerment of faculty through faculty governance. She served many terms on the Faculty Senate and was elected Chair of the Senate several times.

photo of meeting room

Room Description:

Seats up to 20 at eight moveable tables with six extra chairs around room perimeter. There is a counter for refreshment service, but no kitchen facilities are available.

Texas State offices/organizations may reserve the meeting room when available between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm. The Faculty Senate reserves every Wednesday for weekly/monthly meetings.

A computer and monitor are installed with hookups for laptops. The monitor is equipped with a camera for Zoom/Skype capability. All technical support issues are the responsibility of the scheduling department.

The office/organization reserving space must take responsibility for:

  • set-up and return of the room to the standard set-up before leaving. If necessary, make arrangements with Materials Management for moving of furniture (245-2558).
  • set-up, delivery, and clean-up of any refreshments for your event. You may schedule Chartwells (245-9900) or other local entities to cater your event. Make arrangements with Facilities Services for custodial matters (245-2181). All food waste must be removed from the room following your meal. Recycling containers are available; you are encouraged to recycle appropriate items as much as possible.
  • locking room and turning off lights upon completion of event.
  • leaving room in the same condition as found, including media and all equipment.
  • any damage or loss to room or equipment. Your account may be charged for any damage or loss.
  • vacating the premises by the designated ending time.

You may request the meeting room when scheduling a meeting via Outlook or Office 365 calendaring; the room is named JCK880 (no space). All meeting room requests must be approved by the senate's administrative assistant. Meetings that are confidential in nature or noise-inducing will be permitted only on a limited basis, as the room is not sound-proof and there are neighboring work spaces.