Jeremy Bohonos, Ph.D.

Adult Education
Assistant Professor
Jeremy W. Bohonos is an Assistant Professor in Adult, Professional, and Community Education at Texas State University. He earned his B.A. in History at Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI), an M.A. in History from Ball State University, and a Ph.D. in Education Policy, Organization and Leadership with a specialization in Human Resource Development (HRD) from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Before pursuing his Ph.D., he worked as a career advisor who provided services to students enrolled in GED, vocational education, and adult degree completion programs.
Much of Dr. Bohonos’ research employs intersectional analysis focusing on organizational (in)justice with a special emphasis on race and racism in the workforce. In investigating this topic, he uses several research methodologies, including critical race spatial analysis, ethnography, autoethnography, and narrative inquiry. He also conducts research regarding the history of Adult Education, adult learning through music, and mobile learning in sub-Saharan Africa.
Dr. Bohonos’ service commitments include positions as an Assistant Editor for New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, editorial board member for Advances in Developing Human Resources, Chair of the Academy of Human Resource Development’s (AHRD) Critical Theory and Social Justice Perspectives Special Interest Group, and reviewer for several leading journals in Adult Education, HRD, and Gender & Women’s Studies.
Adult Education
Phone: 512.245.5656
Office: ASBS 321
Mailing Address:
601 University Drive
ASB South 321
San Marcos, TX 78666
- Ph.D. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Human Resource Development
- M.A., Ball State University, History
- B.A., Indiana University- Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), History
Courses Taught
ED 7315 Models of Inquiry
ED 7314 Community Development for Education
Ed 7322 Human Recourse and Professional Development
Selected Publications
Bowman, L. & Bohonos J. W. (in press). Adult education and race: A critical race theory analysis. T. S. Rocco, M C. Smith, R. C. Mizzi, L. R. Merriweather, and J. D. Hawley (Eds). 2020 Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education. Stylus.
Bohonos, J. W. (2020). Critical race theory and working class White men: Exploring race privilege and lower class work-life. Gender, Work & Organization.
Lewellen, C. & Bohonos, J. W. (2020). Excuse me, sir?: A critical race theory (hair) chronicle. Gender, Work & Organization.
Bohonos, J. W. (2019). Including critical whiteness studies in the critical human resource development family: A proposed theoretical framework. Adult Education Quarterly, 69(4), 315-337.
Bohonos, J. W., Otchere, K. D., & Pak, Y. (2019). Artistic expression as a teaching strategy for social movements: Deepening understandings of the Civil Rights and #BlackLivesMatter movements. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 21(2), 250-266.
Bohonos, J. W., Otchere*, K. D., & Pak, Y. (2019). Teaching and learning social justice in Human Resource Development graduate programs: Preparation for research and practice. New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development, 31(4), 18-35.