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FARF Research Request Form


Please complete this form by addressing all the questions. You may attach a grant, dissertation, or thesis proposal (supplementary information) but all fields must be completed. Students should include a letter from his/her advisor that evaluates your ability to conduct the proposed research. Once the request form is completed please click the submit button. You will receive a confirmation email.

Are you a student? (if yes please attach letter from advisor) *
Purpose of study (select all the apply) *
Will your research require analysis of human remains *
Will your research require nonhuman animals?
Does your project require IRB or IACUC approval (if so please attach documentation to supplementary information)
Do you have funding for the project? *
Have you received a Hepatitis B vaccine *

By submitting this form I agree to the following:

1. I will follow proper safety and handling procedures at FARF including wearing proper personal protective equipment at all times.

2. I will provide FACTS with a copy of any photographs or other images taken.

3. I will only use photographs and images taken at FARF for documentation purposes. I will obtain written permission from the Director of FACTS before using photographs for any publications, electronic transmissions (including internet), general distribution, commercial use, or any other purpose except research documentation.

4. I will provide FACTS with a copy of all data collected at FARF.

5. I will provide FACTS with a copy of all manuscripts associated with research at FARF.

6. I will acknowledge FACTS in all publications using data collected at Texas State.