Faculty Resources for Accommodated Testing at Round Rock


ODS approved testing accommodations may be provided for any student at either the San Marcos (ATSD) or the Round Rock (TCRR) testing center. Students have the right to request testing with accommodations at a TXST testing center.

Accommodations may also be provided by the instructor, designee of the instructor, or by the instructor’s department. In this case, the instructor holds responsibility to ensure all relevant testing accommodations approved by ODS are provided.

If the in-class assessment is to be administered at one of the TXST testing centers, then the instructor must adhere to the policies and procedures listed in the instructor testing guidelines for that testing center. For TCRR, you may access the guidelines at TCRR Instructor Guidelines.

  • The Testing Agreement (TA) is completed at the beginning of each semester to allow TCRR to know your preferences and to plan for the exams for your course. Fill out your TA instructions to TCRR as thoroughly as possible, but if needed, you may update or revise your TA. TCRR must have your submitted TA to set testing appointments and to administer exams for your students. You may contact TCRR directly for assistance or you may use your TXST credentials to login and use your Faculty AIM Portal.

    If you choose to provide accommodations for your students yourself or within your department, then you must only complete the top portion of the TA that makes that declaration. You will then be responsible for providing all relevant ODS approved testing accommodations for your students. Students have the right to request accommodated testing in a TXST testing center.

    The link to the TA is on the accommodation letter email from ODS. Links are specific to the course section. You may complete, edit, or copy a TA to another course or course section in your Faculty AIM Portal. You only need to submit one TA per course section, not per student, if you save/apply your TA to all students in that section.

  • Instructors need to submit a TA for any course section that has at least one student enrolled with ODS approved testing accommodations.

    If your student with accommodations will test with you/your department or the course section doesn’t use in-class, on-campus exams as an assessment method, then you need to confirm this situation at the top of the TA. You do not need to fill out the bottom portion of the TA pertaining to testing instructions.

  • Provide your exam and any additional exam instructions at least 24 hours before the exam date, earlier, up to 3 days earlier, if the exam must be modified by TCRR.

    You may send the exam and any instructions by email to TCRR at rrc-testing@txstate.edu or upload the document(s), preferable, if possible, in the WORD format, through the Faculty AIM Portal or the link in the email reminder for the specific course.

    Only one exam per course is required unless you want your students to have different versions. Any start or review codes for online exams may be sent by email directly to TCRR as late as the morning of the exam. If the exam is a paper exam, you have the option to hand deliver the exam to TCRR.

    Completed exams will be returned based upon your preferences provided in your TA.

  • Eligible assessments will meet the following criteria: 1) must be an in-person exam/quiz for any TXST course including an online or hybrid class that meets in-person for the assessment, and 2) an assessment which requires the assistance of TCRR staff or use of resources in the testing center to meet accommodations. An example of an ineligible exam/quiz is a take-home exam, except those with an accommodation that can’t be met at home by another means such as text-to-speech software in lieu of a live reader. Please direct any questions concerning exam eligibility to the TCRR Supervisor.

  • The student’s responsibilities for testing with accommodations at TCRR are found in the TCRR Student Guidelines.

  • TXST students may have TCRR proctor their in-person quizzes and exams for their TXST courses. Eligible students with ODS approved accommodations may take their exams for free. Students without approved accommodations may take makeup or early exams for a fee, starting at $40 for two hours or less. All students and the community may take credit-by-examination exams such as CLEP, or placement exams such at the TSIA. TCRR also provides proctoring for courses for students from other institutions and for community members for career and continuing education exams. Please view the TCRR proctored exam service options.

  • For support call TCRR at 512-716-4020 Monday – Friday from 8AM to 5PM or email us at rrc-testing@txstate.edu or drop by the testing center at 1555 University Blvd., Avery Building, Rm 209.