VASC Tutoring

About Tutoring

To better serve the academic needs of the Texas State veteran and military-connected community, SLAC strives to employ tutors who are also military-connected. The STUDY has multiple veteran and military-connected tutors which can be easily identified by their camouflage "Military- Connected Bobcat" lanyard. 

Additionally, all TXST veterans and military-connected students have exclusive access to the VASC study room that is located in Alkek room 404 (within SLAC). This study room is a space where the TXST military community can study and utilize the multiple whiteboards, table spaces, and computers.

To view The STUDY tutoring schedules, click the button below.

People walking outside
Bobcat hand sign


Each semester, VASC executes a Targeted Academic Assistance Program (TAAP) within the first few weeks of the semester where we will identify any veteran or military-connected students at or below a certain GPA. Once the students are identified, a VASC Guide will make contact and offer to meet with the student individually to refer resources and create an individualized plan for success.