VASC Tutoring

VASC Tutoring

To better serve the academic needs of the Texas State veteran and military-connected community, SLAC strives to employ tutors who are also military-connected. The STUDY has multiple veteran and military-connected tutors which can be easily identified by their camouflage "Military- Connected Bobcat" lanyard. 

Additionally, all TXST veterans and military-connected students have access to the VASC study room that is located in Alkek room 404 (within SLAC). This study room is a space where the TXST military community can study and utilize the multiple whiteboards, table spaces, and computers.

People walking outside
Bobcat hand sign


Each semester, VASC executes a Targeted Academic Assistance Program (TAAP) within the first few weeks of the semester where we will identify any veteran or military-connected students at or below a certain GPA. Once the students are identified, a VASC Guide will make contact and offer to meet with the student individually to refer resources and create an individualized plan for success. 

Finding & Paying for Private Tutoring

Veteran tutorial assistance may be paid to students under Chapters 30, 33, 35, and 1606.

Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) may pay tutorial assistance to a student receiving educational benefits. The monthly rate may not exceed the cost of tutoring or $100. The maximum amount payable is $1,200 per student per benefit program. There is not an entitlement charge for the first $600 under Chapter 30 and 1606. There is no entitlement charge for Chapter 33 and 35. A student must be using benefits and enrolled in at least half-time (50%) for the semester.