Veteran Academic Success Center

The Veteran Academic Success Center (VASC) is a collaborative effort to provide military connected students with both academic and personal resources via peer-to-peer mentoring to support academic success and transition to Texas State. Located on the 4th floor of the Alkek Library, the VASC Office is where our Guides meet with their fellow military connected students and the VASC Study Room is a space specifically for military connected students to study and connect with others. 


Fall 2024 VASC Office Hours

Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm

Saturday - Sunday

Students walking outside

VASC Guiding

VASC Guides provide Texas State veterans and military-connected students with guidance and resources during their academic endeavors.
Group of students getting tutored

Tutoring Resources

The VASC Office and VASC Study Room are both conveniently located within The STUDY's tutoring space. This close proximity to peer tutors yields easy access to tutoring and an increased confidence boost of know that our VASC Guides and SLAC Tutors work closely to better serve the military-connected Bobcat community.

Students working on project

VASC Employment

TXST is state & nationally ranked for serving vets

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2023 Texas Veterans Commission Gold Award Image

TXST Awarded Gold Designation for Veteran Education Excellence by the Texas Veterans Commission