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HSMC Daily Schedule and Events

The HSMC courses nurture

  1. Rigorous reasoning and logic skills (through experiences in mathematical proof-writing)
  2. Creative problem identification and solving skills
  3. Excellent teamwork and collaboration skills
  4. Mindsets to tackle open-ended problems
  5. Great communication and presentation skills

Students are taught by university faculty, mentored by undergraduate counselors, and share the joy of exploring mathematics with their peers.

Course Descriptions

  • Elementary Number Theory provides a solid foundation for all students in mathematics. This course covers basic properties of integer arithmetic, including unique prime factorization, Euclid’s algorithm, Diophantine equations, modular arithmetic, congruences, induction, well-ordering, quadratic residues and quadratic reciprocity.
  • Python Computer Lab enables students to explore the application of ideas discussed in the Number Theory and Problem Solving courses. Students use the Python software to model real world problems. Specific applications include coding theory, public key encryption, testing for primes, and the Chinese Remainder Theorem.
  • Honors Seminar - modeled after Honors Programs offered at many top-tier colleges, the Honors Seminar is an interdisciplinary course that challenges students intellectually through rigorous standards of analysis, preparing them to conduct their own research in the future.  Hands-on learning experiences introduce students to concepts of teamwork and critical thinking.  Reading discussions and guest speakers add fundamental and thought-provoking theories from multiple perspectives.  The capstone project for the course is an entrepreneurship activity that includes a final group presentation.
  • CombinatoricsAbstract Algebra, and Analysis, provide returning students with a firm foundation in fundamental areas of mathematics, while building on ideas from the first year.
  • Study Group - students are assigned into groups of 3 or 4, and provided guidance by an undergraduate mentor (counselor) to work on the daily problem sets.  This intensive collaboration allows students to delve deeply into the mathematics, and think carefully about each question.  Teamwork and communication skills are developed as students work together in the exploration of mathematical theorems.

HSMC 2017 Bloopers

Sample Daily Schedule 


 1st-year Students
(first-time students)
2nd-year Students
(returning students)
3rd-year Students
(returning students)
8:15-9:45amNumber TheoryResearch Projects
9:50-10:50amHonors SeminarResearch Projects
10:55-NoonGuest SpeakersResearch Projects
12:45-1:45pmProblem Session/Python LabCombinatoricsAnalysis II
1:50-2:50pmProblem Session/Python LabAnalysis IAbstract Algebra
3:00-5:00pmRecreation and Free Time   
5:00-6:00pm Dinner  
6:00-10:00pm Study Group  





Activities and Camp Life

  • Students live in a campus dormitory under the supervision of 15 camp counselors (undergraduate mentors) who are HSMC alumni.
  • All students have free use of the University's Student Recreation Center, which offers basketball courts, volleyball courts, racquetball courts, an indoor track, and a swimming pool.
  • There is a guest lecture each Friday afternoon by a speaker from academia or industry, followed by a picnic with games and socializing at the local park.
  • Weekend activities include (subject to change):

Packing List and Other Items of Interest

Click here to read the packing list and other items of interest.