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Previous PMWC Tests

 Below are tests from the Primary Math World Contest held in Hong Kong each summer.

These are different from the tests in the Mathworks Math Contest (MMC).


1stIndividual (PDF, 119KB)
1stTeam (PDF, 101KB)
2ndIndividual (PDF, 160KB)
2ndTeam (PDF, 89.6KB)
3rdIndividual (PDF, 86.9KB)
3rdTeam (PDF, 94.6KB)
4thIndividual (PDF, 303KB)
4thTeam (PDF, 412KB)
5thIndividual (PDF, 289KB)
5thTeam (PDF, 508KB)
6thIndividual (PDF, 408KB)
6thTeam (PDF, 515KB)
7thIndividual (PDF, 148KB)
7thTeam (PDF, 127KB)
8thIndividual (PDF, 117KB)
8thTeam (PDF, 221KB)
9th-individual (PDF, 116KB)
9thGroup (PDF, 127KB)
PMWCTeamTest06 (PDF, 814KB)
pmwc-problems (DOC, 262KB)
2012_PMWC_team (PDF, 84.7KB)
2014-PMWC_ (PDF, 103KB)
Team_eng (PDF, 42.9KB)
Indiviual_eng (PDF, 49.8KB)

Selected PMWC Test Answers

PMWC2006TeamAnswers (PDF, 99.4KB)
pmwc2014-i (PDF, 36.6KB)
pmwc2014-t (PDF, 44.1KB)
PMWC 2018 Team Test (PDF, 3.52MB)