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Announcements for the Department of Procurement & Strategic Sourcing will be posted on this page so you will be informed of any new changes in a timely manner. If you are not subscribed to our RSS Feeds yet, we encourage you to do so. Please follow the below instructions on how to subscribe to our RSS Feeds.
McKesson Punch-out
We have been having some issues with duplicate invoices coming into Jagger from McKesson over the last few weeks. The issue was that we were receiving both a hard copy and a cXML invoice and the confusion had to do with orders being placed in SAP vs. Marketplace Punchout. Orders placed in SAP require a hard copy invoice since we cannot process invoices against 45** PO numbers in Jaggaer. To resolve the issue, we asked McKesson to turn off all hard copy invoices and agreed that we would ONLY place cXML orders via the Marketplace Punch-out.
Please use the punch-out ONLY when ordering from McKesson so that we can avoid confusion and duplicate invoices/ payment.
P-Card Announcement
Notice: Procurement card procedures have been updated and are in effect , if you use a PCard please review the changes. The certification testing has been updated to support the changes in our procedures. We have also updated the forms associated with the PCard. These new forms are in effect and available and will be required effective February 1st, 2025. Reminder forms should be retrieved from the Purchasing/PCard website to assure you have the most updated form.
Governor Abbott Issues Executive Order Hardening State Government From The Chinese Communist Party
November 19, 2024
Governor Greg Abbott today issued an executive order to protect the State of Texas from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) malicious espionage operations. The Governor directed all state agencies and public institutions of higher education to harden state systems and safeguard critical infrastructure, intellectual property, and personal information from being accessed by hostile foreign nations that attempt to infiltrate Texas.
“Our No. 1 priority is to protect Texans, including from espionage threats from the Chinese Communist Party and its proxies,” said Governor Abbott. “The Federal Bureau of Investigation reported that the Chinese government has actively targeted local and state officials as part of their strategy to undermine the national security of the United States. Hardening our state government is critical to protect Texans from hostile foreign actors who may attempt to undermine the safety and security of Texas and the nation. With this Executive Order, Texas will safeguard our critical infrastructure and information from threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party.”
At the direction of Governor Abbott, all state agencies and public institutions of higher education will begin to:
- Require any company that submits a bid or proposal to certify that none of its holding companies or subsidiaries is owned by a foreign adversary government.
- Introduce stronger background check procedures on state employees and contractors who have access to critical infrastructure.
- Prohibit state employees from accepting gifts from or work-related travel to foreign adversary countries.
- Prohibit state agencies from contracting with companies owned or controlled by a foreign adversary government.
- Prohibit higher education faculty and employees from participating in any foreign recruitment program by a foreign adversary nation.
- Employees will notify the University of any personal travel to a foreign-adversary nation prior to their travel and submit a post-travel brief outlining details of the trip, including the dates and the purpose of travel to their employer
Yesterday, Governor Abbott issued an executive order to protect Texans from the coordinated harassment and coercion by the CCP. The Federal Bureau of Investigation Houston also put out a warning to Texans that the PRC may be targeting and harassing individuals of Chinese descent who speak out against the CCP in Texas.
Read the Governor’s Executive Order here
FY 2024 Year - End Closing Calendar

You can download the FY 2024 Year - End Closing Calendar here.
Vendor Hold Search: ZHOLDCHK
The new process for checking to see if a vendor is on hold is done through SAP using the T-code ZHOLDCHK. This is required for any P-card purchase $500 or greater. A screenshot showing the report must be attached to the P-card statement for each charge $500 or greater that appears on the statement.
The hold search is no longer required for SB20 documents as vendors in SAP and TCM are blocked for payment purposes. Please note you will still be able to create POs for these vendors; however, the payment will go to the State until the vendor resolves its issue with the State.
Please refer to the training guide and video tutorial for further information.
Updated FS-06
Form and Instructions
An updated and revised version of the FS-06 Form and Instructions is now accessible on our Procurement website. Please use the new updated form here.
Nonresident Alien Honorarium & Contracted Services Payments Presentation
Thank you for attending the February FS Quarterly Updates Meeting on February 13th. As promised, the Nonresident Alien Honorarium and Contracted Services Payments presentation is now available on the Payroll and Tax Compliance Office webpage. Nonresident Alien Honorarium And Contracted Service Payments : Payroll and Tax Compliance Office : Texas State University (txst.edu)
eShipGlobal Training February 19th, 2024
eShipGlobal training February 19th Zoom Link: here
• Meeting ID: 871 6382 4273
• Passcode: 935710
Statewide Procurement Training Course Catalog
Course Catalog – Continuing Education Live Events – Statewide Procurement Education
System Course Catalog – Basic Texas Purchaser – Statewide Procurement Education System
eShipGlobal is Back on TSUS Marketplace as a Punchout
“eShipGlobal is back on TSUS Marketplace as a punchout. New features include an automatic budget check and generation of a purchase order for all shipments less than $150, provided there are not any hazardous materials being shipped. All hazardous shipments, regardless of value and transactions $150 or greater will move through normal workflow approval.
Shipping labels will not be generated for shipments greater than $150 until a purchase order has been received from Texas State. Be on the lookout for upcoming training from eShipGlobal’s team to provide campus training which will review these changes, hazmat shipping updates and other helpful tips for new system users.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact purchasing@txsate.edu with any questions or concerns.”
Updates to HUB Determination and the Proprietary Justification forms
Procurement and Strategic Sourcing has updated the HUB Determination form and the Proprietary Justification form. Please ensure you are using the most recent version from our website; you can find them under the Forms tab.
New Monthly P-Card Training Video
The new monthly PCard training video and instruction have been posted to the Procurement & Strategic Sourcing Website under Hot to Purchase / Procurement Card / Forms https://www.txst.edu/procurement/howtopurchase/procurementcard.html
Please make sure your Account Manager or Custodian of the PCard approves this method.
April 2023 Financial Services (FS) Campus-wide Quarterly FS Updates TEAMS Webinar
Financial Services (FS) invites you to the campus-wide Quarterly FS Updates TEAMS Webinar on Tuesday, April 25, 2023, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Updates and information regarding purchasing, accounts payable, payroll and taxes, and other topics will be available during the webinar.
Questions may be submitted during the live event. Final answers and the presentation will be recorded and uploaded to Procurement and Strategic Sourcing after the event.
Procurement & Strategic Sourcing
February 2023 Financial Services (FS) Campus-wide Quarterly FS Updates TEAMS Webinar
Financial Services (FS) invites you to the campus-wide Quarterly FS Updates TEAMS Webinar on Tuesday, February 14, 2023, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Updates and information regarding purchasing, accounts payable, payroll and taxes, and other topics will be discussed during the webinar.
Questions may be submitted during the live event. Final answers and the presentation will be recorded and uploaded to Procurement and Strategic Sourcing after the event.
Procurement & Strategic Sourcing
Caprice Productions, LLC has been bought out by The Prestigious Mark
Announcement: Caprice Productions, LLC has been bought out by The Prestigious Mark (must search using "The" before the name)
The Prestigious Mark, Vendor # 23931 (Promotional Items)
Contact: Linda Kendall, Brand Specialist
linda@tpmpromo.com, Ph: (210) 820-0093
8611 N. New Braunfels; San Antonio, TX 78217
Ph: (210) 861-7208
Please take a moment to read this letter from our BuyBoard Representative, Melanie Clendennen, where she extends an invite to the latest training courses:
Good afternoon,
I hope your new year is off to a great start. My name is Melanie Clendennen, I am your direct representative for the BuyBoard and the Energy Cooperative at TASB.
I am reaching out as I will be conducting a virtual BuyBoard training, information below. If you are not able to attend, please note I can always schedule time to meet in person or virtually to conduct a training for you and any members of staff. Please feel free to pass the invitation below to any members of staff you feel could benefit.
Going forward should you have any questions regarding BuyBoard or would like to get more information on our Energy Cooperative please feel free to reach out directly to me as well. I am here to help.
Topic: BuyBoard training
Time: Jan 17, 2023 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Topic: BuyBoard training
Time: Jan 23, 2023 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Melanie Clendennen
Consultant, Business Services
(BuyBoard, TASB Energy Cooperative, Facility Services)
Texas Association of School Boards
12007 Research Blvd. • Austin, Texas 78759-2439
512.505.2492 • 800.580.8272 • 512.483.7190 (fax)
Find us on Facebook and Twitter
BuyBoard Current Contract Listings with Descriptions
Financial Services (FS) invites you to the campus-wide Quarterly FS Updates TEAMS Webinar on Tuesday, October 25, 2022, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Updates and information regarding purchasing, accounts payable, travel, and other topics will be discussed during the webinar.
Questions may be submitted during the live event. Final answers and the presentation will be recorded and uploaded to Procurement and Strategic Sourcing on Friday, October 28, 2022.
Feel free to forward this message within your department to anyone that could benefit from this presentation.
Procurement & Strategic Sourcing
As we approach the end of the fiscal year, all personnel who make routine purchases, process receipts, or monitor accounts should be aware of the scheduled transaction cut-off dates.
Click here for the dates:
Due to issues with HAZARDOUS ITEMS purchased, changes have been made in the material group selection code in MarketPlace and SAP.
All hazardous items must be reviewed by Risk Management.
The marketplace continues to be impacted by unprecedented inflation, supply-chain constraints, and labor shortages, resulting in delivery delays and price increases. Summus/Staples appreciates your business and understanding as they amend their pricing to the extraordinary conditions in the marketplace.
The total impact is .03% annualized $3,853. The price for copy paper will increase from $39.99 to $41.99. The new price is set to go live on August 1.
3Play Media is the new preferred vendor for closed captioning services. Vendor #23264
Beginning June 1, 2022, The Procurement office will only be accepting the following versions of the FS06 and FS03 forms. Please use the following link to access the most updated versions of these forms.
Have a Purchase $50,000 or Greater?
Legislative Budget Board (LBB) Compliance Form
In accordance with GAA, Article IX §7.04, Texas Government Code §322.020, please fill out the LBB Compliance Form and attach it to the requisition to help facilitate required reporting of any purchase order $50,000 or greater.
If a PO is increased to $50,000 or greater, this form must also be filled out and attached to the requisition.
Amazon Purchase Issues
Use the Firefox browser when completing an Amazon order. It is the most compatible browser for a seamless purchase.
Assistance with "Shipping Address" and "Storage Location" in Marketplace
Make sure that you have set up the "Default Shipping Address" and the "Default Storage Location" before creating the requisition in Marketplace. The shipping address is where the supplier will deliver the goods from the purchase order. For our San Marcos campus, with a couple of exceptions, goods are shipped to our University Distribution Center (UDC). The TXST team at the UDC then distributes those goods across campus based on the identified storage location. Each requisition must have both a shipping address and a storage location.
Shipping Address
Many users share a common Default Ship to Address. On the San Marcos Campus, most shipments come through the University Distribution Center, or UDC. The Student Health Center is the only San Marcos exception and is for limited use. Centralized ship to default addresses is critical because they have docks, staffing, and established procedures.
The only other exclusion is the Round Rock Campus.
The Default Ship to Address is found in the General section of the Requisition.
Storage Locations
Storage locations are the second critical and department specific part of the equation that ensures departments receive the goods on the purchase order. Example: JCKL.
A complete shipping address includes the Default Ship to Address + Storage Location: UDC + JCKL.
Invalid Zip Code Error - Staples
If you are having trouble with the zip code in Staples on the Marketplace , they are working on solving the current issue with delivery zip. If you receive this error message (invalid ZIP code), replace the zip code number with “00000”. This will allow you to continue shopping.