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General Purchasing

Attachment Z - Email Request  (Used in conjunction with a contract that is originated by a vendor)  

Emergency Purchase Justification

FS-01 Risk Assessment Worksheet (Required for ALL contracts $500,000 or greater) -  Form Instructions

FS-02 Enhanced Contract Monitoring  (Required for ALL contracts $1,000,000 or greater and High Risk contracts FS-01 score greater than 26)  -  Form Instructions

FS-03 Contracted Services Payment Voucher  -  Form Instructions

FS-04 Contracted Services Amendment Form (PSA Amendments only)

FS-05 Request for Exception to Policy 

FS-06 Independent Contractor Determination Form  (Individuals or DBA only) Form Instructions

FS-07 Contract Close-Out Form (Required for ALL contracts $250,000 or greater)

FS-08 Request to Purchase Alcohol

HUB Determination Form (HDF) (Required for all non-exempt (per TSUS CMHB Sec 3.2.3 E) and non-grant procurements $100,000 or greater where subcontracting is not probable.) - Form Instructions

Informal Bid Form (Required for procurements between $15,000 and $50,000) - Form Instructions

Proprietary Justification Form (Used when the procurement is limited to only one brand, manufacturer, vendor, or provider $15,000 or greater) - Writing Guidance

Recurring Payment Request

SB20 Requisition Documents  (Required for ALL procurements $15,000 or greater)

Texas State University Procurement Certification Statements

Red Flag Fraud Reminders & Tips

Please follow the link for a brief overview of steps you can take if you suspect fraud. The full training is administered via SAP.