
In addition to meeting confidentially with individual employees and students, the ombudspersons are available to facilitate training sessions, present at department meetings, and provides consultation.

Flyers about Texas State University Ombuds Services are available through Staff Ombuds.  These flyers can be posted or distributed to employees and students.

  • Contact Information

  • Faculty Ombudsperson

    • The university has a Faculty Ombudsperson, who is appointed by the President for a three-year term. The ombudsperson is a designated neutral, neither an employee nor a management advocate. In addition to the explicit responsibilities detailed below, the ombudsperson is empowered to develop procedures, consistent with this policy, to facilitate the timely and equitable resolution of faculty concerns and grievances- and, via the Faculty Senate, to recommend changes to AA/PPS 04.02.32, Faculty Grievance Policy.

      Beginning June 2022, the university is implementing a new model of support that includes two faculty ombudspersons. This model is designed to better serve Texas State's large and diverse faculty body and to provide faculty members with an additional layer of support in addressing questions, concerns, and solutions to work-related issues. The faculty ombudspersons are advocates for respectful and civil dialogue, transparent and fair policies, and continuous improvement.

      Ombuds support is available to all faculty during the fall, spring and summer terms. Faculty members seeking assistance may contact either ombudsperson listed below by emailing facultyombuds@txstate.edu and addressing the email to the preferred ombudsperson, providing their name, contact information, and preferred meeting times/days, and briefly describing any questions, support, and assistance needs.

    • The Ombuds is a neutral person with whom faculty members can voice concerns, evaluate situations, organize thoughts, and identify options. The Ombuds adheres to the principles outlined in the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice advocated by the International Ombudsman Association:

      Independence:  The Ombuds is independent in structure, function, and appearance to the highest degree possible within Texas State. The Ombuds is independent of the University's formal administrative structure and strives to consider all sides of an issue in an impartial and objective manner. The Ombuds cannot impose solutions, but identifies options and strategies for resolution of disputes.

      Neutrality and Impartiality:  The Ombuds, as a designated neutral, remains unaligned and impartial. The Ombuds strives to promote procedural fairness in the content and administration of Texas State's practices, processes, and policies. The Ombuds does not engage in any situation that could create a conflict of interest.

      Confidentiality:   The Ombuds holds all communications with those seeking assistance in strict confidence, and does not disclose confidential communications unless given permission to do so, except as required by law, or where, in the judgment of the Ombuds, there appears to be imminent risk of serious harm. 

      Informality:  The Ombuds, as an informal resource, does not participate in any formal adjudicative or administrative procedure related to concerns brought to their attention. The Ombuds provides information relating to university policies and procedures and facilitates the resolution of problems and grievances through informal investigation and mediation, but does not replace or supersede other university grievances, complaint or appeal procedures.

    • Faculty members must make a bona fide effort to resolve an issue collegially by discussing their concerns with their director/chair and dean. If this does not prove satisfactory, faculty members may consult with the Faculty Ombudsperson. The Ombuds serves as a confidential, neutral, informal and independent resource for faculty concerns and conflicts at Texas State. As an independent resource for problem resolution, the Ombuds works to ensure that all members of the faculty are treated equitably and fairly. The Ombuds can provide confidential and informal assistance to help resolve issues related to both the workplace and academic environments.

  • Staff Ombudsperson

    • The Staff Ombuds Service is now available to Texas State employees. This program is designed to assist individuals and groups in the resolution of conflicts or concerns they may experience in the workplace. 

      For questions or more information about how to utilize this service, please contact Noel Fuller at staffombuds@txstate.edu

      The staff ombuds at Texas State will be accessible to all staff starting this fall to listen to concerns, promote dialogue, and provide additional opportunities for staff to engage in an informal dispute resolution process.

      The Ombudsperson:

      • is independent in structure and function to highest degree possible.
      • considers communications with those seeking assistance confidential, unless disclosure is required by law and/or policy (i.e. title IX).
      • is an informal resource, does not participate in any formal adjudicative or administrative procedure related to concerns brought to their attention.
  • Student Ombudsperson

    • The Dean of Students Office provides an Ombudsperson to address concerns of currently enrolled Texas State students. This service personally assists students in achieving resolutions to university related challenges (i.e. university instructor/professor, employer challenges...etc.) in accordance with appropriate University Policies and Procedures Statements (UPPS). The Dean of Students Office also makes referrals to other campus departments or offices when necessary.

      Because of Texas State's ideals and its desire to serve the entire campus community, the university has comprehensive academic and teaching goals and emphasizes continuous improvement to its educational enterprise. In addition, the Texas State Student HandbookUPPSAcademic Affairs Policy and Procedure Statements (AAPPS)Student Affairs Policy and Procedure Statements (SAPPS), and Compact with Texans are standards for communicating university policies and procedures that reflect current practices and are in accordance with any applicable rules, regulations, or laws. In order to uphold the university's goals, ideals, and current practices and provide the best customer service possible, the Dean of Students Office relies on teamwork, collaboration, communication, and respect of one another.

      To utilize this service, first consult the Texas State Student Handbook and Texas State policy and procedure indexes listed above to familiarize yourself with relevant information about your issue/concern. After consulting these documents, you may complete the Ombudsperson Intake Form found below. Upon receiving your form, we will contact you via your university email address as soon as possible.