Indigenous Borderlands of the Americas

Indigenous Borderlands of the Americas:
An International Symposium sponsored by the Center for the Study of the Southwest

Texas State University | San Marcos, Texas | April 6-7, 2018

Organized by Joaquín Rivaya-Martínez, Jones Professor of Southwestern Studies


Indigenous Borderlands of the Americas


April 6

  • 9:00 | Coffee Welcome
  • 9:15 | Introductions
  • 9:30 | Geoffrey Wallace | McGill University | Beeswax Extraction in the Borderland Forests of Colonial Yucatán
  • 10:15 | Shawn M. Austin | University of Arkansas | “Indios Fronterizos” and the Spanish-Guaraní Militias in Seventeenth-Century Paraguay
  • 11:00 | Coffee Break
  • 11:15 | Jesse Zarley | Macalester College | “Huinca coyang:” Rethinking Mapuche-Spanish Parlamentos in Late Bourbon Chile
  • 12:00 | Paul Conrad | UTA | The Specter of Apache Runaways and the Afro-Indigenous Borderlands of Colonial Cuba
  • 12:45 | Lunch Break
  • 14:15 | Gary Van Valen | University of West Georgia | Indigenous People and the New Mexican Land Rush of 1815-25
  • 15:00 | Erick Langer | Georgetown University | Do Frontier Indians Have Land Rights? The Case of “Tierras Baldías” and Indigenous Integration in the Bolivian Lowlands, in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
  • 15:45 | Coffee Break
  • 16:00 | Cynthia Radding | University of North Carolina | Reading Cultural Landscapes through Interdisciplinary Perspectives

April 7

  • 9:00 | Coffee Welcome
  • 9:15 | Introductions
  • 9:30 | Chantal Cramaussel | El Colegio de Michoacán | ¿Cómo y por qué denominar a indios fuera del control colonial? El ejemplo del Bolsón de Mapimí.
  • 10:15 | Carlos Valdés | Universidad de Coahuila | Fronteras y demarcaciones impuestas por los españoles a los nómadas de la Nueva Extremadura de Coahuila: provincias, villas, misiones y pueblos de indios.
  • 11:00 | Coffee Break
  • 11:15  | Dr. Gerardo Lara Cisneros | Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México | Los hombres-dios de Sierra Gorda. Frontera y religiosidad nativa en Nueva España, siglo XVIII
  • 12:00 | Carlos D. Paz | FCH-UNCPBA | El Chaco y sus fronteras inconclusas. ¿Inconstancia salvaje o pactismo hispano fuera de control?
  • 12:45 | Closing Remarks