Prospective Clients

Admittance Criteria

Applicants are typically product-based companies that have potential for intellectual property rights and are seeking a collaborative, supportive, and resource-rich environment to accelerate the growth of their companies. The companies must have established collaborative research relationships with Texas State or must have an interest in, and potential for, initiating such relationships. In order to be considered as a participant in the incubator, the company, at a minimum, must meet one of the following requirements:

1. The company has (or is negotiating) a license of technology owned or controlled by Texas State
2. A Sponsor Research Agreement (SRA)
3. A University Industry Partnership Agreement (UIPA) with Texas State
4. Has received a Small Business Technology Research (SBTR) or Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract in partnership with Texas State
5. Has an active student internship program with Texas State