Rafael Cordero Bio

Executive Director of TXST TRIO Programs

Bio picture of Ray Cordero

Rafael Cordero currently serves as Executive Director for TRIO Programs at Texas State University. He holds a B.S. in Political Science and a master’s degree in Public Administration from Texas State University. During his time, he has helped grow the Texas State TRIO portfolio (10 programs) to now serve over 2,700 pre-college students in 5 school districts across Central Texas, 125 student veterans in the I-35 corridor, and 345 undergraduate students at Texas State University.

He has made student success his life work for the past 18 years, serving in several leadership capacities at the state and regional levels for TRIO professional associations including Past President for the Texas TRIO Association from 2021-2022.

His primary areas of expertise focus on program development, program administration, strategic planning, leadership development, grant writing, student success centered research, marketing/branding campaigns, and compliance review.