josiah Baylor bio

Coordinator - Veterans Upward Bound

Coordinator - Josiah Baylor

Josiah Baylor

Josiah Baylor originates from the vibrant city of Fort Worth, Texas. With a distinguished service record in the US Navy, he was stationed at the US Naval Hospital Guam and notably served on the USNS Mercy Hospital Ship during its impactful humanitarian mission across Asia and Australia. Now, as a pivotal figure within Texas State TRIO's latest endeavor, Veterans Upward Bound, Mr. Baylor assumes the role of overseeing operations at the main Texas State University campus. His journey towards this significant responsibility began with his educational pursuit, culminating in the attainment of a master's degree in social work from UT Arlington. While at UT Arlington, Josiah was not only deeply engaged in his academic pursuits but also found time to contribute as the Vice President of the Elohim Bible Study Club. Drawing inspiration from his experiences living in Asia, he has developed a fondness for Asian cuisine, particularly relishing the delights of Boba smoothies and teas. Josiah's genuine desire for growth extends to his aspirations for Veterans Upward Bound. His dedicated vision is to foster a program that serves as a transformative stepping stone for veterans, propelling them towards the realization of their dreams for a brighter future. With a heart for both personal and collective progress, Josiah Baylor embodies dedication, diversity, and a genuine commitment to positive change.

Contact Information: 

400 N LBJ Drive
San Marcos, TX 78666
Phone: 512.245.3838