Jamie Saucedo Bio


Jamie Saucedo - Bio Pic

Jamie Saucedo is a first-generation college graduate with a degree in Elementary Education from Texas State University. As a diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and justice scholarly practitioner, Jamie elevates voices from first-generation, low-income, and/or college students with disabilities as a Grant Coordinator for the Student Support Services STEM program.  Jamie is pursuing a Master of Education in Student Affairs in Higher Education and is a co-collaborator of liberation with seven years of experience working to elevate historically marginalized, underrepresented students’ admission, persistence, retention, and success in higher education.. Through their work with their students, Jamie cultivates joy in students’ marginalized identities utilizing trauma-informed practices and Community Cultural Wealth. Jamie is a third-generation San Marcian. In his free time, Jamie enjoys spending time with his family, especially his little brother. You can often find him building new Lego sets, taking a dive in the river, playing video games with his partner, or enjoying downtown San Marcos with his friends.

Contact Information: 

Sterry 127
409 N Edward Gary Street
San Marcos, TX 78666
Phone: 512.245.2275
Fax: 512.245.1623
email: jas619@txstate.edu