Title III HSI STEM Impact

IMPACTing STEM Success at Texas State University was sponsored from 2016-2022 by the U.S Department of Education Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program.

Activity 1

Enhancing the STEM Success Pipeline 

Activity 1 provided high-impact services to freshmen and transfer students in STEM baccalaureate programs through academic advising, peer mentoring, success coaching, and peer-led learning. This program expanded the STEM transfer pipeline with community colleges through outreach, Academic Visit Days, and transfer planning materials. Undergraduate and graduate student employees participated in professional development trainings. 

Activity 2 

Strengthening STEM Success Through Professional Development and Research.

Activity 2 implemented the STEM Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Program which gave undergraduate STEM students the opportunity to complete an immersive research experience with a faculty mentor. Student researchers participated in professional development workshops and presented their research at the end of the summer program. Faculty participated in ESCALA and additional cultural fluency programs to develop courses for the overall success of Hispanic and low-income students.

student presents summer research via poster session


Proving successful, components of STEM Impact were institutionalized to support undergraduate research and transfer students.