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Nov 8, 2000 Minutes

Senate convened at 4:04 pm, November 8, 2000.

Senators present: Hays, Reese, Stutzman, Brennan, McKinney, Skerpan-Wheeler, Stimmel, Blevens, Blanda, Renick, Stone, Gillis, Sawey.

Absent: Peeler.


The Senate reviewed proposals and interviewed the following applicants for Developmental Leave:

Floyd Ploeger, Dennis Kerkman, David Easter, William DeSoto, William Meek, Ruth Taylor, Gilbert Fulmer, Gregg Andrews, Allan Chavkin, Carlos Gutierrez


The Senate discussed Dr. Harvey Ginsburg's request for action concerning research issues pertaining to the D.A.R.E. Institute.  A motion was made(Stimmel) and seconded (Gillis) that Hays, assisted by Renick, should draft a letter containing the Senate response to be sent to the pertinent parties.  This motion was passed unanimously.


Senator Sawey passed out copies of a draft report on the University proposed building program to be studied in preparation for preliminary discussions at future meetings.


The minutes from Nov. 1, 2000, were accepted as read.

Meeting adjourned at 6:10 pm with something akin to a stampede.