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Aug 30, 1995 Minutes

Present: Caverly, Deduck-Evans, Ford, Glassman, Horne, Hunter, Lyman,
Pascoe, Sawey, Stedman, Swinney, Weller, and Winek.
Absent: Bible, Middlebrook.

Guests: Profs. Frank J. Flauto and Maureen Keeley (Speech Comm.),
Brian Nieuhaus (Mgt. & Mkt.), Pat Gleason-Wynn, Dave Henton, Orren
Dale, and Sandra Galvan Posada (Social Work), Barry Slansky (Comm.
Disorders), Assoc. VPAA Pat Cassidy; Mike Moore, Sandra Akridge.


27 OFFICIAL OPPRESSION (Tarsitano Letter)
31 NEW FACULTY COMPENSATION (Prof. Flauto et al.)
32 PARKING (Habingreither Letter)

The meeting was called to order at 4:07, Chair Swinney presiding.


After discussion of the models received last week from Dr. Susan
Griffith and Joe Meyer on ethnic and gender equity, the Senate approved the
following statement to forward to Pres. Supple and VPAA Gratz:

"The Senate has confered with Susan Griffith and Joe meyer concerning
the models on ethnic and gender equity which they have developed. We believe
that this work is important and urge that it be continued and expanded.

"Specifically, we recommend the following:

"(1) That similar studies be done routinely each year to assure that
if statistically significant gender or ethnic inequities develop they can be
promptly addressed;

"(2) That the methodology itself be reviewed, perhaps by a panel of
faculty and staff who have statistical expertise. The Senate is not
altogether convinced that all available variables have been used or that
multiple regression is the best analytical tool;

"(3) That the ambit of the study be expanded to incorporate non-tenured
faculty and staff. Our hunch is that gender inequity, especially, might more
likely exist there than within the permanent faculty;

"(4) That the institution develop tools to analyze other salary equity
issues, especially salary compression, differential salaries, golden
parachutes, and the merit system.

"The Senate has an acute interest in these matters and, although we do
not have the resources to undertake elaborate studies ourselves, we will help in
any way we can to facilitate a thorough study of our compensation system."

In the discussion it was noted that data on average salaries by rank
and department had been compiled by Joe Meyer for Senator Pascoe. A copy will
be forwarded to all Senators. In terms of data, CUPA publishes market data
by discipline, and the CB has a special compilation of of CUPA data by formula
disciplinary groups. In terms of methodology, cluster analysis and/or linear
programming could be useful.


Final decisions were regarding the faculty salary poll, which the
Senate has been discussing for several weeks.

(1) It was agreed that faculty voters (as opposed to all faculty)
would be polled. Materials will be distributed through normal Senate channels
on September 7th. Faculty will be asked to return the polls to departmental
ballot boxes by noon on September 13th.

(2) The questionnaire was critiqued and wording agreed upon.

(3) Gender was added to the demographics of the questionnaire, along
with School, rank, and tenure status. Respondents' departments are not
requested so that persons might not be identified in any way.

It was pointed out that in the past the written opinions on Senate
questionnaires were exceedingly informative for interpreting the data. It is
hoped that all faculty will respond and comment.

27 OFFICIAL OPPRESSION (Tarsitano Letter)

Two issues were raised by the letter on "Official Oppression"--the
statute on that subject which was considered last week [See Senate minutes
of 8/23/95], and the use of anonymous complaints (written and verbal) which
may enter personnel files or be used in other ways against faculty.

The Senate debated the following draft advisory statement:

"A faculty member brought to the Senate a question regarding the
appropriate use by academic administrators of anonymous complaints about
faculty. An informal Senate enquiry reveals that there is no University
policy on this subject. Neither are there clear professional standards;
the AAUP "Red Book" has no statement on the subject. State law prohibits
the use of anonymous complaints against police officers, but not faculty.

"Anonymous complaints are evidence of absolutely nothing. They
cannot be used in any way to discipline or evaluate a faculty member.
Such documents must not be placed in faculty personnel files at any level.
The undergirding principle of academic due process, the right to face
and cross-examine witnesses, is violated when such complaints become a
basis for administrative action.

"It is the Senate's considered opinion that anonymous complaints
should, normally, be given to the faculty member for information and/or
discussion or be discarded. In the rare instances, when serious misbehavior
is alleged, limited and confidential consultation with appropriate higher
administrative officers might logically precede the normal disposition.

"The handling of anonymous complaints is largely a matter of good
judgment, which cannot be legislated; therefore, we do not recommend the
adoption of a University policy on the subject. However, some discussion
of this topic, perhaps at CAD and in School Councils, might help increase
understanding of this issue."

After agreeing to take out the word "normally" in the first sentence
of paragraph 3 and to delete the second sentence in that paragraph, the topic
was RTA'd to a subsequent meeting. Faculty with opinions on this topic
should share them with their Senator.

31 NEW FACULTY COMPENSATION (Prof. Flauto et al.)

New faculty signed contracts in the spring and summer with the
understanding (verbally and in print on a handout) that they would receive
8.5 percent State contributions to ORP and State social security payments of
5.85 percent on the first $16,500 wages each year. The contracts covered
only salary, not fringe benefits (according to Assoc. VPAA Cassidy).
Subsequently, SWT agreed to cover the Social Security payments by increasing
salaries, but apparently the rider on the State statute precludes
universities from covering the gap between the 8.5 percent ORP coverage
and the 6.0 percent now mandated by the recent law. Previous employees
are "grandfathered" into 8.5% ORP coverage by the universities' own funds.
Thus, SWT, like other state institutions now has atwo-track ORP contribution

Several issues emerge. New hires were led to believe their benefits
were at a certain level, signed contracts in July, and came to campus to
start school in late August to find that their compensation was less than
expected ($750 less, assuming a $30,000 salary). Their Deans and Chairs have
been trying to help, but contractual issues are in question.

The new 24 or so tenure-track and the several nontenure-track faculty
are asking the Faculty Senate to back their plaint for justice and equity.

In the ensuing discussion it was brought out that this might lead to
a law suit--which would include new faculty all over the state who were misled
in the same way.

Prof. Sawey moved and the Senate approved the following: The Senate
urges that every effort be made to address benefit inequities in new
contracts and requests that in the future benefits be explained carefully.

This will be on the PAAG agenda with Pres. Supple and VPAA Gratz next
Wednesday. Interested parties are invited to attend.

32 PARKING (Habingreither Letter)

Prof. Bob Habingreither has asked the Senate to address a number of
issues related to implementation of the new parking policy. Prof. Swinney has
asked Traffic Control Officer Steve Prentice to give us a full report on
changes made over the summer, i.e., reserved spaces, restricted spaces, no-
parking zones, etc.

RTA'd for this data. [Note: See New Items below for support that this
is an issue of growing salience.]


Prof. Diana Hunter (Physical Therapy) was appointed.


Profs. Lou Caruana (Medical Tech) and Eric Weller (Art) were approved.


Prof. Susan Day (Sociology) was approved as the Senate appointee to the


The minutes were approved.


(1) A four-page handout on "The Faculty Role in University Governance"
which has been given to all new faculty was distributed. It contains the
AAUP statement on faculty governance, the SWT Faculty Senate (senators,
liaisons, committee system, and its purpose statement). Copies are available
from the Senate office, 245-8323 (e-mail SA02).

(2) Prof. Brian Row letter re PFM food price differentials between JCK
and other campus facilities. [The Star apparently had an article, subsequent
to this letter, that JCK prices were being raised. This will be checked on.]

(3) The new lists for those who can vote on Faculty Senate items will be
ready by next week.

(4) Senator Sawey circulated copies or a letter from Prof. Wilbon Davis
arguing that "the parking situation has gotten even more out hand than usual
this fall" and offering some suggested solutions. Sawey alluded to a
number of other letters he has received on this subject, which he will
forward to Senators by E-mail later.

(5) The PAAG agenda for the next Senate meeting (September 6th) was
set as follows:

--ORP considerations for new faculty,
--Anonymous complaints,
--Parking complaints (coming thick and fast),
--Status of computers for faculty offices,
--Program funding for the Honors Program

The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m.
Ramona Ford